Compensatory Planning and Mitigation Banking
Our experienced staff save clients both time and money by developing compensatory mitigation plans that best fit each project’s requirements. Whether offsets are obtained from Mitigation Banks, an In-Lieu Fee Program, or via a Permittee-Responsible Mitigation project, SEG Environmental has the knowledge and experience to move our clients through the process effortlessly.
Site Evaluations: With over 20 years combined experience in the Mitigation Banking business, our staff can thoroughly evaluate a property’s suitability for Mitigation Banking purposes. We save our clients time and money by utilizing the latest in GIS and Mapping technologies to assess the feasibility of site-specific wetland restoration efforts.
Prospectus and Mitigation Banking Instrument (MBI) Development: Whether developing marsh, bottomland hardwood, swamp, or coastal prairie mitigation banks, our staff has the experience and expertise necessary to generate site-specific plans that meet agency requirements.
Monitoring and Reporting: Our team can generate affordable monitoring plans that meet Interagency Review Team (IRT) monitoring and reporting requirements. We save our clients time and money by developing a GIS that incorporates GPS technology to efficiently establish and sample required transects and monitoring plots.
Utilizing Trimble Geo XT GPS units coupled with ArcMap and AutoCAD computer software, our highly experienced staff can quickly and accurately delineate and map wetland boundaries for any of our client’s projects, both large and small. Travel and field time is greatly reduced by using the latest in desktop mapping technologies, thereby saving our client both time and money. All field biologists and technicians are professionally trained to delineate wetlands utilizing the most current US Army Corps of Engineers standards.
- Takes only a couple hours. Low Cost.
- Purpose: Quickly and efficiently assess best possible surface locations for project and access at lowest cost.
- Prevents unnecessary field costs by assisting clients in placement of project before land men, and traditional land survey spend considerable time and effort locating project space via ground methods. Desktop review can analyze topography for construction (Lidar and topo), locate existing waters, ponds, streams, rivers for avoidance or uptake purposes, ecological review of known Threatened and Endangered species or habitat trigger mechanisms that require ground surveys, soils review, and ultimately a collaboration of all of the above to determine if wetlands may exist and what permits may be involved (or where to shift to & avoid all of these). In most scenarios use of Desktop Review allows the client to shift, rotate or move the location or access to stay off of undesired regulatory or construction risk areas without substantial time in the field. Other data can be overlaid such as lease and property boundaries and can be used to buffer existing structures to ensure placement of project does not interfere with specific land surface use restrictions.
Whether your project requires a predetermined restoration plan due to permitted activities or if you are in need of restoration due to a violation. SEG ecological staff can plan permit and implement biologically and ecologically sound restoration that satisfies Federal, State, and local agency concerns. Our staff have written and implemented restoration plans for pipelines spanning hundreds of miles and for landowners needing to restore small tracts of as little as a half-acre.
As part of due diligence, pre project planning and construction, or land purchase, SEG Environmental can help assess an area for potential environmental and Ecological concerns that may not be apparent at first glance or to the untrained eye. Some general concerns that clients seek to obtain knowledge about include existing wetlands, threatened or endangered species or critical habitat, water features, and topographical concerns. Through years of experience with multiple industries we have cultivated innovative ways to save our clients time and money by providing data that can be used by multiple disciplines within a project’s scope.

Trained to implement the latest and most widely utilized practices for monitoring pipeline and corridor construction, power line right of way, facility construction, or constructed wetland areas for Environmental/ Ecological concerns associated with each specific project. Our knowledgeable staff can also add valuable daily input to safety meetings regarding site specific dangers or hazards involving localized environmental factors.
If your project requires an oyster assessment for Louisiana Public Oyster Seedgrounds, or for a private oyster lease our qualified biologists are permitted to collect scientific samples and perform oyster assessments. We can plan and coordinate side-scan sonar to identify potential oyster reefs over large or small areas and identify conducive habitat. We can verify via manual poling survey and dive to collect samples for the required calculations necessary for State permits and reports.

Surveying some sites is a requirement for US Fish and Wildlife and Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries to obtain clearance for proposed projects and is a routine task for SEG Environmental staff. Louisiana Black Bear (Ursus americanus luteolus), and Red-cockaded Woodepecker (Leuconotopicus borealis) are two of the most regularly performed T&E surveys but many other species require surveys prior to project authorization from State and Federal agencies and SEG Staff are well qualified and can handle the task.
Our staff are qualified to perform avian surveys for corridor projects and to plan and mitigate impacts. SEG Environmental also routinely performs endangered shorebird and wading bird surveys in conjunction with state and local programs.

SEG Environmental permit specialist can handle all of the permitting requirements that are encountered with your project to include but not limited to:
- 404/10 Wetland Permits
- Water Uptake Permits
- Permit to Drill
- Work Permits
- State Water Bottom Impacts
- Parish Permits
- DEQ Permits
- U.S. Fish and Wildlife Clearance